New Zealand 新西兰 South Island 南岛 Map
2nd Edition Trax2 South Island New Zealand Map - true pdf, large A3 size
New Zealand 新西兰 | South Island 南岛
New Zealand’s extraordinary geography offers a diverse range of unique things to do and see, thus with this Trax2 New Zealand eMap, we make it easy for everyone to plan and enjoy all the breathtaking landscape in all its purity. So whether you’re into kayaking, horse-riding, cycling, skiing, wine tasting, or simply relaxing the Trax2 Maps have you covered
More popular towns and cities in New Zealand starting north to south are
Christchurch 克赖斯特彻奇
Dunedin 达尼丁
Invercargill 因弗卡吉尔
Nelson 尼尔森
Ashburton 阿什伯顿
Blenheim 布兰海姆
Oamaru 奥马鲁
Queenstown 皇后镇
Rangiora 兰吉乌拉
Richmond 里士满
Timaru 蒂马鲁
Greymouth 格雷茅斯
Milford Sound 米尔福德的声音
Publisher 出版商: Lam | 2nd Edition Trax2 New Zealand South Island Map - 01-01-2019
Copyright © 2004-2019 William Lam. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of William Lam. 本指南版权为William Lam所有。未经William Lam书面允许,不得为任何目的,以任何形式或手段复制、翻印及传播,William Lam 保留一切法律追究的权利。
Trax2 makes every effort to ensure that the information is up to date and accurate; however Trax2 accepts no liability for any mistakes or errors in content or in printing and will gratefully accept any information regarding errors or omissions. Trax2 每一个成员尽最大的努力更新指南上的信息,由于编者水平有限,难免会发生一些错误。如果您发现在指南上有任何错误的地方,请发邮件到下面专用邮箱 以便我们及时改正、更新。不胜感激!本信息指南为手绘指南系列,并非标准地图,内容如与实际有出入,出版方恕不负责,并保留最终解释权。
New Zealand 新西兰 South Island Map
- Brand: Trax2 Maps
- Product Code: Trax2 Digital
- Availability: 25
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